Worry-Free-Moving Checklist

Worry-Free-Moving Checklist
Moving can be overwhelming. However, there are specific steps that can be taken to lighten the load. Planning and organization will significantly mitigate much of the hassle. 
1, Start Packing– Gather your documents- From medical records, insurance policies, financial records, bank statements, appliance manuals etc. Keep these documents in a secure and safe place and label everything!
2. Pick the right moving company– Be selective with your moving company, if you’re not doing it yourself. The right mover can make a tremendous difference both in terms of cost and competence.
3. Color Code– Color code boxes in terms of the final destination your personal property will deposited in your new home, whether that be an apartment or house.
4. Throw Away Junk– Separate everything not going with you! Many of us are hoarders, so don’t take anything with you that you don’t want, need or use! 
5. Take Inventory– Create a Master Checklist of everything you are taking with you. Take pictures of all worldly possessions, in case something is misplaced or left behind.
6. Supervise the Movers– Supervise those responsible for executing the move. Assign a family member to watch the moving crew, as they load your belongings inside the moving vehicle.